Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Energy Action Scotland Reaction to new Scottish Fuel Poverty Figures Published

The fall in the level of fuel poverty in Scotland, as announced today (6 December) is welcome news in that the figure is moving in the right direction and means fewer people are living in cold, damp homes compared to the previous year.  But unfortunately the change does not signify ‘job done’ as the new figure for 2015 is still higher than the first ever measurement of fuel poverty in 1996.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Fuel Poverty Matters - Minister to Address National Conference on Fuel Poverty

Action to bring an end to fuel poverty and to ensure no-one in Scotland has to live in a cold, damp home will be the keynote message from the Minister for Local Government and Housing, Kevin Stewart MSP when he opens a national conference entitled ‘Fuel Poverty Matters’today (3 November).

Read Full Press Release

Monday, 24 October 2016

National Fuel Poverty Charity Reaction to Advisory Group Reports Published Today

Reacting to the publication today (24 October 2016) of the final reports of the two short-life advisory groups set up by the Scottish Government to review fuel poverty in Scotland, the national fuel poverty charity Energy Action Scotland is urging Scottish Ministers to now reset the target to eliminate fuel poverty in Scotland.

Energy Action Scotland endorses the call to the Scottish Government by both the Scottish Fuel Poverty Strategic Working Group and the Scottish Rural Fuel Poverty Task Force for the new policy to “be firmly based on the principle of social justice”.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Scottish Fuel Poverty Target Missed

The admission that has finally come today from the Scottish Government that it will not meet its target to end fuel poverty in Scotland is deeply disappointing but not a surprise.

The Scottish Government has a statutory duty under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 to ‘ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that people are not living in fuel poverty in Scotland by November 2016’.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Response to CMA Report on Energy Market Investigation

‘A mainly positive step that will help some of the most disadvantaged energy customers’.  This is the main reaction of the national fuel poverty charity Energy Action Scotland to the final report published today (24 June) by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) on its investigation into the energy retail market.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Community Energy Action Awards – Applications Invited

The national charity Energy Action Scotland, with support from Scottish Gas, is launching a Community Energy Action Awards scheme.

The new awards scheme is open to not-for-profit organisations who work with communities in Scotland to improve energy efficiency and make homes more affordable to keep warm.  

Monday, 9 May 2016

New report highlights how to address key failings to eradicate fuel poverty across the UK nations

Following the recent elections in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales two charities have published a joint report highlighting why progress to eradicate fuel poverty across the UK has slowed despite statutory commitments and current policies. The UK Fuel Poverty Monitor, produced annually by NEA and EAS, says huge variations and changes to relevant national and UK wide affordable warmth policies has inevitably hindered progress to eradicate fuel poverty and challenges policy makers to respond to other key recommendations. 

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Keeping Warm and Well in Winter - Highlighting the Help Available

When the weather is cold, it’s important for us all to get the help that is available to keep us healthy by having a warm home.

The national fuel poverty charity Energy Action Scotland, with support from Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution, has produced an information leaflet called Keeping Warm and Well in Winter.  The leaflets have been distributed to all GP practices across Scotland with a request for them to be displayed in their waiting rooms.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Figures Released on Cold Homes across the Country (by local authority)

The ability of people across Scotland to afford to heat their homes adequately is clearly in doubt.  This is according to new figures released by the Scottish Government that breaks down the information by local authority area.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Energy Action Scotland Reaction to Gas Price Cuts

In the wake of announcements by E.ON and SSE that they are reducing gas prices by around 5 per cent, the national fuel poverty charity Energy Action Scotland has called for other companies to follow their example in making cuts but have urged them to do so before the heating season ends.