Monday, 13 March 2017

Response to the news today (13 March) that SSE is increasing its standard electricity prices but holding its gas prices for domestic customers

Elizabeth Gore, Deputy Director of the national fuel poverty charity Energy Action Scotland said:

“Having had a string of energy companies increase their prices recently, it was almost inevitable that others would follow and today SSE has increased its prices for electricity.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Energy Action Scotland Welcomes New Commitment to Eradicating Fuel Poverty

The Scottish Government has responded today (8 March) to the final reports of its two advisory groups on fuel poverty.  Last autumn the Scottish Fuel Poverty Strategic Working Group and the Scottish Rural Fuel Poverty Task Force concluded their year-long deliberations and published between them over 100 recommendations for better tackling fuel poverty in Scotland.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Further Energy Price Rises Hit Electric Heating Users Most

Energy company E.ON has announced (7 March) that it is increasing its standard electricity prices by an average of 13.8 per cent from 26 April.  This increase, along with similar increases by some other energy companies, will hit households that rely on electric heating particularly hard.