Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Cautious Reaction to New Fuel Poverty Figures for Scotland

The drop in fuel poverty levels in Scotland is given a cautious welcome by the national charity Energy Action Scotland. The figures for 2014 have been published (15 Dec) by the Scottish Government.

Monday, 30 November 2015

Scottish Government Issued with a Final Demand to End Fuel Poverty

Today (30 November) the Scottish Government has been issued with a ‘final demand’ to end fuel poverty by the national fuel poverty charity Energy Action Scotland.

The letter sent to all MSPs as well as to Scottish Ministers is a reminder that it is exactly one year until the statutory duty to end fuel poverty must be met.  The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 states that the Scottish Government has ‘to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that people are not living in fuel poverty in Scotland by November 2016’.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Minister for Housing and Welfare to Open National Conference on Tackling Fuel Poverty and Providing Affordable Warmth for All

 Minister for Housing and Welfare, Margaret Burgess MSP is expected to highlight the Scottish Government’s action to ensure everyone in Scotland can afford to heat their homes when she opens a national conference on fuel poverty today (Nov 12) in Peebles, organised by the national charity Energy Action Scotland.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Call for End to Fuel Poverty Made in Face of Huge Increase in Excess Winter Deaths and in Support of Challenge Poverty Week

‘Set out a detailed plan to ensure that no-one in Scotland has to live in a cold, damp, expensive to heat home.’

This is the call from the national charity Energy Action Scotland to the Scottish Government during Challenge Poverty Week and on the day that a four-fold increase in the number of excess winter deaths in Scotland is announced.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

EAS Reaction to Scottish Govt announcement - climate change and energy efficiency

Commenting on today’s announcement by the Scottish Government: http://news.scotland.gov.uk/News/Climate-change-action-heats-up-19c8.aspx

Elizabeth Gore, Deputy Director of the national fuel poverty charity Energy Action Scotland said: “Making the improvement of the energy efficiency of Scotland’s homes a national infrastructure priority is to be welcomed as a positive move in the right direction by the Scottish Government. Reducing energy bills and tackling fuel poverty ought to be as important as reducing carbon.  Now is the time when the Scottish Government must also take the opportunity to undertake a full review of how fuel poverty in Scotland can be eradicated and in what timescale.”

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Energy Action Scotland | Suite 4a, Ingram House, 227 Ingram Street, Glasgow G1 1DA |

Tel: 0141 226 3064 | Fax: 0141 221 2788 | Email:  e.gore@eas.org.uk | Website: www.eas.org.uk

Monday, 1 June 2015

New fuel poverty report urges policy makers to unlock investment in domestic energy efficiency

National Energy Action (NEA) and Energy Action Scotland (EAS) are national charities working to end fuel poverty and the illness caused by cold homes across the UK. Today they have published a joint report highlighting the need for policy makers to adequately resource initiatives that make homes warmer and healthier and in turn encourage economic growth.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

National Energy Action (NEA) and Energy Action Scotland (EAS) joint press release Immediate release - 28th May 2015

UK fuel poverty charities comment on UK Government figures that show 4.5 million households unable to adequately heat their homes across UK

National Energy Action (NEA) and Energy Action Scotland (EAS) are national charities working to end fuel poverty and the illness caused by cold homes across the UK. The two organisations have provided the statement below in response to the release today of the Department for Energy and Climate Change’s Annual Fuel Poverty report which provides the latest indication from the UK Government of fuel poverty levels within the nations and across the UK. 

Read Full Press Release

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Energy Action Scotland Reaction to the Call for a Revision of the Distribution Price Control Mechanism and a Move to National Pricing on Electricity Bills

Norman Kerr, Director of Energy Action Scotland said:

“Rural premiums on energy bills are undoubtedly a burden on those living in rural areas. However, there appears to be a fundamental misunderstanding that companies like SSE choose to add a premium to the bills of customers in the north of Scotland when in fact it is part of a distribution price control mechanism that applies to any supplier to that part of the country.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Reaction from Energy Action Scotland to increase of £20 million in the Scottish Government’s budget for energy efficiency

Commenting on today’s (4 Feb) announcement by the Scottish Government that the budget for energy efficiency is to increase by £20 million, Norman Kerr, Director of national fuel poverty charity, Energy Action Scotland said:
“Given the recent increase in the number of households in fuel poverty in Scotland, it is good news that the budget to tackle the problem is being increased.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Energy Action Scotland Celebrates Living Wage Commitment

The Living Wage Foundation, in partnership with the Poverty Alliance, is pleased to announce that the national fuel poverty charity Energy Action Scotland has been accredited as a Living Wage employer.