Wednesday, 2 February 2022

ScottishPower supports ‘Warm at Home’ for fifth year


More than 150 people living with a cancer diagnosis are set to benefit from new central heating after an innovative link up between fuel poverty champions Energy Action Scotland and ScottishPower.

The ‘Warm at Home’ project has been running across the central belt for the past five years and ScottishPower has just announced a further £350,000 investment for the coming year.

Energy Action Scotland works with MacMillan Cancer to identify people eligible for support.

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Scottish Fuel Poverty Map


30 December 2021

The worst areas for fuel poverty in Scotland revealed.

As industry and charities call for urgent action to support people with their energy bills this winter, the extent of Scotland’s fuel poverty problem has been geographically captured for the first time.

Figures mapped out by fuel poverty campaigner’s Energy Action Scotland show that 40% of people living in the Western Isles live in fuel poverty compared to just 13% in East Renfrewshire. The Scottish average was 24% of all households.

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Over half of renters in Scotland are worried about paying their energy bills this winter


Over half of renters in Scotland are worried about  paying their energy bills this winter

  • 58% say they worry they may struggle to pay their energy bills and, 58%, their rent
  • 57% of renters say how they will pay their bills overall is an everyday concern
  • 72% of renters say landlords could do more to make their homes more energy efficient

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