Monday, 23 August 2021

Energy Action Scotland response to BEIS Warm Home Discount Scheme 2022-26 Consultation


Energy Action Scotland’s response focuses primarily on those areas that it considers may impact most on fuel poor and vulnerable consumers. Energy Action Scotland is not a health organisation, but we are concerned about the health impacts of living in fuel poverty and that respiratory conditions which are exacerbated by living in a cold, damp home make up a high proportion of Scotland’s excess winter deaths, which are linked to living in fuel poverty.

We provide practical support through several Warm Home Discount (WHD) industry initiatives working closely with 2-3 suppliers each year. In Scheme Year 9, we managed 3 projects across 2 suppliers and supported a fourth project in partnership with National Energy Action.

Friday, 6 August 2021

Devastating increase energy price rises announced by regulator

Today the GB energy regulator, Ofgem, has announced the biggest ever increase to the energy price cap.  The increase of £153 for prepayment customers and £139 from those paying by direct debit is likely to result in suppliers putting their prices up in October.

In Scotland, there are already over a quarter of households struggling with their energy costs, living in fuel poverty. Over 600,000 households. These price rises will increase this by tens of thousands.

Read full release